


Introduction to Ansible

 Infrastructure Management

 What is Capacity Planning?

 Major Capacity Planning Tools/Services

 Understanding Capacity Planning

 Calculating Percentile

 What is Provisioning?

 Major Provisioning Tools/Services

 What is Deployment?

 Major Deployment Tools

 Benefits of Automated Deployment

 Understanding Deployment Matrix

 App Service

 Data Service

 What is Ansible?

 History of Ansible

Key Components in Ansible

 Ansible Control Machine

 Ansible Inventory

 Ansible Playbook

 Ansible Role

 Ansible Node

 Ansible Tower

Overview of Ansible

 Architecture of Ansible-managed Deployments

 Ansible Control Machine

 Ansible Inventory

  Ansible Playbook

 Ansible Role

 Ansible Node

 Ansible vs Chef

Prerequisites for Ansible

 Understanding YAML

Ansible Control Machine

 What is the Purpose of Ansible Control Machine?

 Install Ansible

 Significance of Ansible Control Machine Programs

 Understanding Ansible Control Machine Configurations

 Configure Ansible Control Machine

 Configure Highly Scalable Ansible Control Machine

 Understanding Ansible Control Machine System Paths

 Deep Dive into Ansible Control Machine

 How Ansible Control Machine Executes Playbook/Role?

Do's and Dont's with Ansible Control Machine

Ansible Inventory

 What is the Purpose of Ansible Inventory?

 Manage Ansible Inventories

Ansible Playbook

 What is the Purpose of Ansible Playbook?

 Structure of Ansible Playbook

 Writing Ansible Playbook

 Manage Ansible Playbooks

 Do's and Dont's with Ansible Playbook

Ansible Role

 What is the Purpose of Ansible Role?

 Structure of Ansible Role

 Writing Ansible Role

 Manage Ansible Roles

 Do's and Dont's with Ansible Role

Ansible Vault

 What is the Purpose of Ansible Vault?

 Create Encrypted File Using Ansible Vault

 Create Encrypted String Using Ansible Vault

 Manage Encryption Using Ansible Vault

Ansible Node

 Understanding Deployment on Ansible Nodes

 Using Docker Containers as Ansible Nodes

 Boot Ansible Nodes

 Trigger Deployment on Ansible Nodes

 Manage Ansible Nodes

Ansible Tower

 What is the Purpose of Ansible Tower?

 Setup & Configure Ansible Tower

 Using Ansible Tower

 Create Organization

Create Team

 Create Inventory

 Create Host

 Create Group

 Create Credential

 Create Project

 Create Job Template

 Boot Ansible Nodes

 Trigger Deployment on Ansible Nodes

 Manage Ansible Tower